Comprehensive User Guide

This is where you configure services and prices or rates. You can set different prices or rates based on the treatment, consultation, vaccination, and more. (Remember that products are configured in the Shop module or software).

For example:

  • If you have configured the general tax rate as 0% in this option

  • When you configure a new veterinary service, for instance, that service will also have a 0% tax rate

  • If you later change the general tax rate to, for example, 7%, it won't change for the services or rates you had already configured

  • In the new services or rates you add, the tax will appear as 7%

configure prices pet hotel services

The CODE is not automatic or corrective, it is a free code, that is, you can use the code or reference that you want. You can simply be a number (1, 2,3, ...) or a special code by categories, what you consider best,   for example:

  • C01 Female sterilization surgery

  • V02 Annual Rabies Vaccine

  • T01 Home transport


  • If you type the base price (or price without tax), it automatically calculates the sale price   (or final price including taxes) based on the percentage configured tax.

  • If you type the sale price (or final price including taxes), it automatically calculates the base price (or price without taxes) based on the tax percentage configured.

  • The % TAX is the same as you have configured in the Configuration > Language/Currency

The services can be deleted, except the services "you are using". If you have appointments/services/ .. that include the service for example "Spa complete treatment", you can not delete that service from the list, because it would also be deleted from those appointment/service ...

In this case, this message will appear informing you of the reason why it is not possible to delete the service. Remember: You CAN modify it, but you CAN NOT delete it.

error message

To modify a service:

  • Click on that service

  • Change the name, price, ...

  • Click on the Save button

If the % of taxes has changed? What I can do?How can I modify it in the software ?:

For example, the new % TAX is the 8%, to change it:

  • Access to the Settings > Language/Currency/Taxes option

  • Write the new VAT, for example 8%

  • Access to the Settings > Nursery services option

    In the services that you had configured before and that you have already billed, you cannot change the %VAT.

    You can change the name, or de price but cannot change the %VAT, because this would affect the invoices and the reports.

  • If you are no longer going to use them, you can mark them as Inactive.

    If it's marked as "inactive", will not be available when making a new booking or check-in, for example, but since it hasn't been removed, you'll keep all your previous sales history and reports.

  • Add the services, now the %TAX for this services is 8%.

We recommend you read:

Ho to configure yor services efficiently

Clic here

You can see the appearance of the automatic reminders that will be sent from the software to remind the customer of an upcoming appointment/booking at your grooming/pet trainning school/pet hotel/pet nursery.

If you want some default text to appear, additional information, etc. You can include it in the Template section (1). When you click on Save, this change will be applied and you will see it in the PREVIEW section.

note: The character limit is 500. If you type more than 500 characters, when you click Save, the Template field will be marked in red to alert you.

In the option Configuration > Company details, you can configure:

  • The logo (2)

  • The business name (3)

  • And the emails footer information. (4)

automatic auto reminder pet grooming software

If you make a change and click on Save, when you return to this screen, you will see that the Preview has changed and now it shows the changes you just made.

Important: The changes you make to the logo, company name, email footer and template will be applied to the next reminders you schedule, that is, they will NOT affect the ones you already had scheduled.

If the appointment has reminders scheduled and you change the date or time, the reminders are not deleted; A notice appears at the top of the screen: "The appointment has pending reminders to send." So you can keep the reminders or delete them and create new reminders.

For example:

  • The appointment was scheduled for day 23 at 10:00 and you scheduled an automatic reminder.

  • Now you change the appointment for day 23 at 12:00 (2 hours later)

  • The automatic reminder will not be modified because it was already programmed. In the email that the customer will receive, it will continue showing that the appointment is for day 23 at 10:00.

If you want, you can delete that reminder and schedule a new one.

Read more about the automatic delivery of upcoming appointment reminders:

Click here

If you want to see a warning when you are going to put an automatic reminder for a customer, if that customer has not agreed to receive notifications or communications from you (RGPD), you just have to check the box "show warning if the customer does not agree to receive notifications".

automatic auto reminder dog grooming software

automatic auto reminder dog grooming app privacy grpd

To view or modify this, you just have to click on "View details" or access its file, in the Privacy option (View > Customers > Select the customer > Their file opens> Right menu > Privacy).

As you know, every time you send an email from the software (confirmation or cancellation of online reservations, reservation confirmation, invoice/ticket, automatic recall, etc.), 1 unit will be added to the emails consumed.

If you also want to send an email to your email address (checking the option "send a copy"), an email will also be sent to this address and another unit will be added to the emails consumed.

For more information, consult the Configuration > Quota details section.

Leer más sobre la protección de datos:

Click here

How does it work?

The system is free and available for Pet Hotel, Pet Daycare, Training, Veterinary, and Pet Grooming software.

You can use it in different ways:

  • Link or URL: Share it with your customers, as if you were sharing your website or phone number with them.

  • QR Code: You can share it with your customers, as if you were sharing your website or phone number with them. You can send it by email, print it, and place it in your business, ... your customers will love it.

  • You can include it in your social media, for example, on your Instagram profile.

  • You can also include it on your website or blog.

You can choose the languages you want and the format that best suits your needs.

1. Just copy the code you want and share it with your customers or include it on your website/blog/social media.

2. Your customers can request appointments, and you decide whether to accept or reject them.

the best online booking system for animals business

3. You receive an email with all the information

4. The request is automatically recorded in the software

5. Easily, from that same screen, you can:

reservas hotel animales

Check the occupancy

reservas hotel canino

See if the customer has unpaid bills

reservar hotel canino

Call the customer by phone

reservar residencia canina

Contact the customer by WhatsApp

reserva pensionado canino

Send the confirmation email

reserar pension canina

Or send the rejection email

The system uses responsive design, meaning the form adjusts to the size of the device (computer, mobile, or cell phone, ...) so that it always displays correctly.

In this option you can configure the planning parameters:

You can configure the planning to match your opening hours business, indicating the start and end time.

planning dog training

Appointments and services appear in the planning. When you finish the service, that service would no longer appear in the planning, but if you want it to continue showing, you can configure it in this option and it will appear in gray color.

You can configure the most important aspects of your country/region:

  • Select the country from the list

  • Select the time zone from the list

    Check that you have correctly configured the time on your device (computer, mobile phone, tablet) because the software will use that time for appointments, agenda, etc.

  • Select the language in which the software will be displayed

  • Set the currency of your country: you can use symbols (for example €, $, ...) or the currency abbreviation (for example EUR, USD,. ..)

  • Set the applicable tax and percentage in your country to all your services

    note: In countries where multiple taxes apply, you can set up a general tax name or a combined tax name and add both taxes together. For example, for Quebec, you can configure the tax with the name TPS-TVQ, TAX or similar and that the percentage is the sum of both taxes (The TPS and the TVQ)

It's very important that you first configure the general tax and then configure your services or rates, since they will all have the same tax that you have configured in this option.

  • If in this option you have the general tax configured as 0 %

  • Later, you configure a new grooming service, hotel, ... that service will also have the tax at 0 %

  • If in the future, you modify the general tax and change it for example by 7%, this will not be changed in the services or rates that you already had configured

  • The new services you add have a 7% tax

If you have mistakenly configured your services or rates, contact us so that we can help you modify it.

If until now the tax rate was, for example, 10% and now it has changed to 12%, keep reading and we will show you how you can do it.


  • Previous records will not be modified (the appointments/bookings you already had planned, the check-in, check-out, services, sales, ...). That is, sales or invoices that you had previously generated, for example, will not be modified.

  • It will not affect previous reports or sales, billing, etc., statistics either.

  • That is, you can be assured that previous data will not be modified, it will only affect new data that you enter from now on.

How to update the tax rate in my business:

  1. Let's configure the new tax rate:
    Go to the Configuration option > Language and Currency > Enter the new tax rate and click on the Save button.

  2. Let's deactivate the old rates:

    • Go to the Configuration option > Services

    • Click on the services or rates you had configured

    • Click on inactive = yes and the Save button

  3. Let's configure the new rates:

    • In the same Configuration option > Services

    • Click on the Add new button to configure your rates. Fill in the data and click Save.
      You will see that they already include the new tax rate

Here you can configure the data of your company and thus you will not have to insert the data every time a document or an invoice is generated; the software will automatically fill them in for you.

  1. Business name, ID, Address, ZIP code, City, State, and contact data (phones, emails,..): You can configure the name of your company, the identification number, and the location and contact information. These are the data that will appear on the invoices.

    More information: You can add additional information.

  2. Logos:

    You can include two different logos:

    • The principal logo shown in the software

    • The printed logo will appear in the printed documents *

    * Note: you will reduce ink consumption when printing your invoices if you use a black and white logo for invoices.

    • The supported image formats are: jpeg, jpg, gif and png

    • The maximum size allowed for images is: 1000 x 1000 pixels (width x height)

    • The maximum weight of the images is 1 MB

    If the software does not allow you to upload an image, you can use any image converter.

  3. Text on invoices without taxes:If in your country/activity there are situations in which the invoices are tax-exempt (such as in the case where it is applicable to issue the invoice without VAT for Intra-Community) you can include an additional text that will only appear on tax-exempt invoices.

  4. Printed documents footer:You can include a text at the bottom of the page for all summary documents and invoices. It is useful to include legal information, some clarification about your business policy, etc. It will appear on the invoices, in the appointment/booking, check-in/check-out, services/etc. summary documents

  5. Pie emails: Using the software you can send emails to confirm/cancel an appointment/booking, an online appointment/booking, send a ticket/invoice, etc. With this information, you can configure a text that will appear in those emails. For example, you can include your business data or interest information.

animal invoice business data

note: if you have exceeded the maximum size of characters allowed, the software will warn you, highlighting that field in red and will not allow you to save it.

Most ticket printers allow you to configure your logo to appear when you print a Ticket. In each model of printer i'is done in a different way. To configure it, consult your printer help guide.

You can manage your employees, with all necessary contact info and working info.

employee pet grooming

You can deactivate employees who are no longer active. This way, they won't appear in the employee selectors when assigning a service, session, etc., but since they're not deleted, you'll retain the historical data with their information.

When you click on an employee in the list, all the information appears:

At the top there are 2 buttons:

  • Quick actions or "shortcuts": add a new animal for that client, make an appointment, print the information, ...

  • show / hide the right side menu to expand the workspace

Using the quick access buttons, it is possible: send an email, call or open whatsapp to talk to him/her; click on the corresponding icon (envelope, phone, Whatsapp ...)

You can write down more phones and more emails for a customer. By clicking on the "more information" icon, new fields appear to record these data.

When you write the address and click on the Save button, the GoogleMaps map that shows the address will appear. You can zoom using the map buttons.

pet business employee information

In the Working information section, you can write down the information related to the employees's academic training, payment/salary conditions, information to make the payment, ...

If in your grooming or training business, you pay a percentage of the services doing to an employee, for example 30%, you can write down that percentage here and in this way, you will not have to remember it.

To see the services that an employee of your pet training pet grooming business has doing, you only have to access the Services and billing by employee report and by selecting that date range you will see the number of services and the amount of those services. In this way, it will be very easy for you to calculate the amount that corresponds to you for these services.

Additionally, you will be able to know the average time it took to perform them and when was the last service doing by that employee.

animal software

If you also have the Users Software, you can create more users, each user accesses an independent account and you can control:

  • You can specify the days and hours in which a user can access

  • You can indicate the visible options for a user

  • See when the users log-in and log-out session

You can control the access of your employees to improve the security of your business.

Read more info

If you want to add, edit or delete races you can do it from this option. Then it is very comfortable, because when you add a new animal, just look for the race in the advanced selector, you do not have to write it every time.

software breed selector

For dogs "without breed" (mixed-breed, half-blood, mutt...), we have created the "comun" race but if you prefer to create another, you can do it from this option.

You can configure the next invoice number to be issued, and the software assigns that number to the following ones, this way the invoices are correctly numbered.

For example, if you start using the software now and this year you have already generated 25 invoices, if you want the next one to be number 26 (to be correlated), then write 26.

This numbering does not reset at the end of the month or the year. It will always continue with the numbering of the last invoice.

You can configure if you want to add a prefix before the numbers for Invoices and Refund Invoices, so you can choose if you want the invoice number:

  • Do not have prefix. For example, the invoice number will be 000042

  • Have the prefix that you want: For example the prefix INV . In this case, the invoice number will be INV.000042

    * The maximum prefix size is 10 characters

  • Have the prefix Year.Month: In April (month 4) of 2021, the prefix will be 2021.04.000042

As you can see, on the right side of the screen, there is a previewer, which allows you to see how the next invoice number and nex refund invoice numer will look, depending on the configuration you choose.

pet software invoices dog invoice cat invoice

You can set up a different numbering system for refund or corrective invoices, and also a separate numbering system for simplified invoices or tickets that won't include the recipient's (customer's) details.

Simply click on the "Yes" option, and the configuration options will appear, just like for regular invoices, allowing you to set up the numbering format.

Special Data Export

From this option, you can perform a complete export of the data in .xls (Excel) format. If you decide to stop using the software and want to export the information stored in your account, you can do it yourself using this option.

To proceed, simply click the Export button. An .xls file will be saved in the download folder configured in your web browser.

For performance and security reasons, a full data export can only be performed once a day. After 24 hours from the last download, if necessary, you can request a new complete export.

Complete Data Deletion. Account Wipe

As you know, it is not possible to delete records partially (for example, deleting all invoices). However, most users use their accounts with fictional data for a while to test and familiarize themselves with the system.
After the testing period, when they start working with real data, they need to delete the fictional data to proceed with the configuration of the real data, client and animal registration, invoice generation, etc.
This option is specifically designed for that. It allows you to wipe your account completely (all data and configurations will be deleted, and your account will be restored to the default settings).

The deletion is final, meaning that the data will be completely erased and cannot be recovered.
To prevent accidental deletion, the system will inform you of the total and permanent deletion process, and will require several confirmations.
After these confirmations, the total data wipe will be executed, and you will receive an informational email at the primary email address (this is the access address of the administrator user).

If you have doubts, do not proceed. Contact us first, and we will be happy to help you with any questions you may have.
Remember that the process is irreversible, if the data is deleted, it cannot be recovered later.

This option will be available exclusively to the Administrator user, so if your business has multiple users configured, only you, as the Administrator, will see this option. The rest of the users, who access using their own login credentials (username and password), will not be able to execute it.

Keep in mind that if everyone uses the Administrator's login credentials, they will all have administrator permissions, and therefore, anyone could execute this action and completely delete the data. The data will not be recoverable afterward.

How Does the Security and Access Control Module Work?

If you have multiple users and need to limit their access, the security and access control module is available. Each user will have their own login credentials, and you will be able to control:

  • The days and times users can access the software.

  • The options they can use or view.

  • A log of all access attempts (time, IP address, operating system used).

kennel software

You will control your employees' access for greater business security. See more information:

More information

If you want to add it to your account, it's very simple:

You can request it from us, and we will add it to your current subscription.

Or if you prefer to do it yourself, you just need to:

  • Log in to your account (using your username and password).

  • On the first screen that appears, click to purchase the security and access control module for users.

  • Fill in the payment details, and it will be activated immediately on your account.

You can modify the passwords to access the software. You just have to type the current password and the new one.

Additionally, for security reasons:

  • You will have to type the new password twice. In this way, we avoid typing errors.

  • The software will show if that password has a low, medium or high security level. To make it easier, you can see it by red, orange or green colors.

  • New password: Type the new password you want to use

  • Old password: If you have used the "Remember password" option, write the password you received by email

  • Must be at least 10 characters

  • Must contain at least one UPPERCASE and one LOWERCASE character

  • Must include at least one number

  • Must include at least one symbol

For your security and the security of your data, it is very important that you have good habits with the passwords of the different accounts/services that you use:

  • Change passwords frequently

  • Never use the same password on multiple sites or services

  • Do not share passwords with others or write them down, especially near the device

  • Change default passwords for devices and online services.

We have collected different security tips and created a mini help guide with useful security tips. We recommend that you read it.

Security recommendations

From time to time, the password will expire. That is, you will have to change it to a new password.
If the software displays the message that the password has expired, you just have to change it to a new password and you will be able to continue working normally.
We know that this can be annoying, but our goal is to keep you and your data safe

Information about the storage capacity of external files (when you include a scanned document or a photo of a customer, animal, ...) in the software.

quota details

You can also view the number of emails sent and the number of emails still available to send.

This amount is limited monthly to contribute to the responsible sending of emails and avoid mass mailing or SPAM, so on the 1st of each month, this "counter" will be back to 0.

You will receive a notice when you are reaching the credit limit available to send more emails. You can buy extra credit that will allow you to send more emails. To do so, access the software by clicking on the icon to buy bad email credit.

Email consumption: Every time you send an email from the software (confirmation or cancellation of online reservations, booking confirmation, invoice/ticket, automatic recall, etc.), 1 unit will be added to the emails consumed.

If you also want to send an email to your email address (checking the option "send a copy"), an email will also be sent to this address and another unit will be added to the emails consumed.

As you know, all commercial communications must have been previously requested or expressly consented by the recipient (the user), unless there is a prior commercial relationship or has been obtained from public sources freely accessible.
Everything else, as well as the massive and systematic sending of emails, is considered SPAM and as such, is subject to sanctions.
Before sending emails to your users and/or customers, make sure you have their acceptance and still try to send "responsible" emails.
It is not the same to send an email with a reminder of an appointment that the user and/or customer has requested, with an invoice or with information relevant to a service, to send monthly newsletters or advertising mails.
Although a user has given his consent to send advertising emails, remember not to send too many emails or not relevant information to them. Try to make a responsible or reasonable mailing.

When you send an email from the software, the software will check in the GDPR section of your record, if the customer has accepted the reception of communications or notices and if not expressly accepted, it will show you a warning.

automatic auto reminder dog grooming software

More info about Data Protection and GPRD:

Clic here

You can configure the payment methods accepted in your business. This way, when a sale is made, you can select the payment method. By default, you will find:

  • Card Payment

  • Cash (money)

  • Mixed Payment: to choose at least 2 payment methods, for example, the customer pays part using a card and the rest using cash (money).

Also you can configure as many as you want: check, discount coupon, Paypal, ...

  • View Overdue: It allows you to select if you want the software to show you the booking, appointments, services, check-in and check-out "Overdue".


Pet Health Records software | Vet Appointment Scheduling | Veterinary Billing And Invoicing | vet Treatment Plans | Vet Prescription Management | Veterinary Reporting And Analytics | Vet Reminders And Alerts | Veterinary online booking

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